Mold Removal and Remediation Services in Brick, NJ
GreenWorks' dedicated PMII Certified Mold Removal Professionals, Inspectors, and Remediators are ready to service the residents and businesses in Brick, NJ.
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Company has 3 separate offices that they have occupied for years. Long term staff have recently started complaining about a host of health related issues from itchy skin / eyes to respiratory / breathing difficulties.
Near Brick Blvd, Brick, NJ 08723
Got Mold in Your Home?
Services We Offer
Client performed remediation where a shower enclosure leak was present. GreenWorks was contacted to perform a clearance test on the work. The client was advised on the proper protocol for remediation and containment strategies. Area was inspected and passed clearance. Thanks again Joe
Near Manhattan Dr, Brick, NJ 08723

Personal Rental place, lease has expired, Having recurring health related effects that have been confirmed by personal physician to be associated with mold exposure (Chronic recurring sinusitis, facial swelling, upper respiratory distress, skin rashes, etc.) that has been ongoing for some time. Son and girlfriend are also experiencing similar health issues.
Near Sheldon Ave, Brick, NJ 08723
Has owned home for several years where recently having water intrusion in the Yankee basement (more-so than usual). Looking for cost effective ways to manage and to address sump pump discharge. Discussed gutter discharge to the rear that can tie sump pump discharge in to along with alleviating water issues at the foundation.
Near Clair Ave, Brick, NJ 08724

- Building Biologists
- Moisture Source Experts
- Certified Mold Investigators
- Mold Survivor Staffed Team
- Residential / Commercial / Industrial
- Hidden Mold Experts
- Certified Mold Remediation
- Clearance Testing & Reporting
- Licensed and Insured
- Sick Building Syndrome Specialists
- Serving all of New Jersey (NJ)
- Expert Contamination Assessment
Looking to acquire 3,700 ± sf home that basement was flooded during hurricane Irene. Was de-watered & "remediated" for mold where additional french drain and sump pumps (2) were added. But basement still has that "smell" that doesn't feel right and is concerned for has 2 young children. Thinks this is pretty important to clear up as will set the pace for the entire property transaction where there are other items that also need to be addressed from the home inspection.
Near Edgewood Ct, Colts Neck, NJ 07722

Concerns about the presence / absence of mold in the basement from the prospective buyers. Back in 2011 (aprx) there was some mold issues that was remediated, air was tested and basement waterproofed. In 2013 there was additional concerns over some water intrusion through the dry-lock paint and staining that local contractor said was not mold related. Looking for clearance document attesting to normal fungal ecology in the basement where visual assessment can not make that determination (some sampling would be needed)
Near Air Dancer Ln, Colts Neck, NJ 07722
Looking to acquire dual use property (residential and commercial) for business use. Concerned over environmental issues associated with oil, mold, soil contamination. Recommended a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.

House built 1950 and buts up to a wetland / stream (Roberts Swamp Brook). PIQ is comprised of main house and rental Cottage on an irregular sized lot. Grading issues at front, Gutter issues off roof and soil conditions all appear to be contributing to elevated humidity conditions in the Yankee basement that is creating a damp / musty type smell (MVOC of mold). Took mold samples and recommended ways to correct moisture intrusion and mold remediation / cleanup
- Fast Turn-Around
- Air Scrubbing and De-humidification
- Expert Court Testimony
- EPA Lead-Safe Certified Firm
- Enviro-Friendly Mold Remediation
- Asbestos Building Inspector
- Dry Ice Mold Remediation
- Lead-Based Paint Inspectors
- Chemical & Non-Chemical Remediation
- Finance Available
- Contents Cleansing & Restoration
- Affordable & Economical Solutions
HISTORY: Just closed on new home purchase (several months ago) that was recently remdiated for mold by others. Home was constructed in 1994 on a dirt crawl with Vapor Barrier. Previous owner had remediation completed with warranty by the remediator where extensive structural supports was also installed (sistered floor joists) and foundation vesnts (no permits were acquirted either). Outside Home Inspector (Edgar Woodson) was engaged by the new owners when a very distinct odor returned to the home. New mold growth was discovered and sampled. Original Remediation Firm was asked to return to correct the problem who has not shown up and now wont return any calls.
Near Kirk Ln, Brick, NJ 08724

Frequently Asked Questions
Best ways to improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) are through improving ventilation, air filtration, using low VOC paints and materials and managing moisture levels.
Many times we can’t put our finger on exactly what is causing our ill health. But we come to realize that we actually “Feel Better” when we leave our homes for any length of time. This is often the case when hidden biological issues are degrading the homes overall air quality. An environmental air quality professional will be needed.
Most deffinitely. But a basic mold inspection really isn't adequate. When you consider the house has been preped for sale with fresh paint, repairs and a top-to-bottom cleansing, you will need an expert who knows how to find "hidden molds" that often go undetected by basic mold inpsections.
It depends on a few facftors like: access, basement vs attic, finished areas vs. non-finished areas and organisms type (toxic vs. non-toxic. So looks at a range of from $5.00/SF to as much as $25.00/SF (or more).
Many times, areas less than 10 square feet can be cleaned by an individual. If it’s more involved than that, it’s best to get a quote from a mold pro who follows EPA guidelines. Access challenged spaces work well with dry ice treatments where easily accessible basements respond well to traditional “rubbing and scrubbing”. Your particular space will dictate what is best.
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