Mold Removal and Remediation Services in Keansburg, NJ
GreenWorks' dedicated PMII Certified Mold Removal Professionals, Inspectors, and Remediators are ready to service the residents and businesses in Keansburg.
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Your Healthy Home Starts with Greenworks
As EPA-certified mold remediation experts, GreenWorks wants you to know that we care about your health and well-being. That's why our environmental services encompass so many different problems.
Got Mold in Your Home?
Services We Offer
Get Professional Mold Removal and Remediation
Mold begins with moisture, and our ventilation and air purification systems get rid of excess moisture and improve your air quality. We can work on non-functional or damaged drain systems, including French drains, we do VOC investigations, asbestos, and lead testing and we will even help you in environmental cleansing and give expert testimony about mold infestation. All of that and more is why your healthy home starts with GreenWorks. We are both certified and trusted and are a member of the Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce.

- Building Biologists
- Moisture Source Experts
- Certified Mold Investigators
- Mold Survivor Staffed Team
- Residential / Commercial / Industrial
- Hidden Mold Experts
- Certified Mold Remediation
- Clearance Testing & Reporting
- Licensed and Insured
- Sick Building Syndrome Specialists
- Serving all of New Jersey (NJ)
- Expert Contamination Assessment

We Solve Your Mold, Moisture, and Air Quality Problems.
Keansburg took some of the worst beating Superstorm Sandy and was severally damaged. Water was everywhere, with more than 2.5 miles of protective dunes washed away. Moisture from the ocean is always prevalent, but after the storm, virtually everyone had moisture and air quality issues, along with major structural damage. Proper drainage, ventilation and mold remediation are ongoing at this time.
- Fast Turn-Around
- Air Scrubbing and De-humidification
- Expert Court Testimony
- EPA Lead-Safe Certified Firm
- Enviro-Friendly Mold Remediation
- Asbestos Building Inspector
- Dry Ice Mold Remediation
- Lead-Based Paint Inspectors
- Chemical & Non-Chemical Remediation
- Finance Available
- Contents Cleansing & Restoration
- Affordable & Economical Solutions
We Serve Following Townships in Monmouth County
About Keansburg
Formed in 1917, this coastal town has the dubious history of having the first European felled by Native Americans, known as Coleman's Point in honor of Jim Coleman, the man who died. The miles of beaches are a delight to walk on, and the area is known for the Henry Hudson Trail.
Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment
Frequently Asked Questions
Rust colored mold on your walls might not be mold at all. There is a type of micro-organism called Iron Bacteria that often gives the appearance of a rust colored mold.
Not really. While sometimes you can have a good idea if a piece of pipe wrap is asbestos or if spot on that wall is mold. But all of these items are microscopic and require some degree of testing to deffinitively identify what they are.
A Basic Mold Sampling package including 3 samples is $725. A thorough assessment including inspection and sampling (LMI) can cost on average $895 plus mobilization fees.
A certified and experienced firm well versed in moisture management and mold remediation. The best inspectors are well experienced in mold rememdiation and know where the mold hides.
Best ways to improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) are through improving ventilation, air filtration, using low VOC paints and materials and managing moisture levels.
- Borough Center
- Keansburg West