Mold Removal and Remediation Services in Mercer County, NJ
GreenWorks' dedicated PMII Certified Mold Removal Professionals, Inspectors, and Remediators are ready to service the entire Mercer County.
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Why Choose Us?
Mold grows best in damp and humid conditions, so it's essential to:
a) prevent it by keeping buildings as dry as possible, and
b) remove it as soon as you discover it
GreenWorks can remove mold and prevent it from regrowing!
If you have mold in your home or place of business, don't panic; GreenWorks has the answer. We can solve all of your mold, air quality, and moisture problems. If you have questions about mold treatment and removal, contact us today!
Got Mold in Your Home?
Services We Offer
Mold Testing
Mold presents a serious risk to your health and your property. It is present almost everywhere, and it's one of the most pervasive organisms on the planet. But, that doesn't mean you have to deal with it invading your home or place of business.
Our mold inspection services start by sampling the air and surfaces of your building. We also take a control sample outside of the building for comparison. If needed, we also bring out odor detection equipment to locate invisible sources of mold.
Once we have gathered samples, our experts analyze the findings. We compare the results to determine if elevated levels of mold are present inside the building.

Moisture Control
It's crucial to resolve leaks, high humidity, and other forms of moisture both to remove and prevent excess levels of mold. We recommend keeping indoor humidity at or below 45% to prevent mold from growing back, and we strongly advise repairing any sources of leaks. Our moisture control services identify possible areas of risk and give you tailored solutions for your home.
Mold Removal in Mercer County
Our contracted mold remediation experts use science-backed solutions to remove mold from your property. They use an antimicrobial agent, and an encapsulate to clean surfaces and restore the critical areas. We work to ensure the complete removal of all excess mold and conduct clearance testing to return the area to normalcy.

Air Quality Testing
Issues that can diminish air quality can be numerous (not just limited to mold):
- Pollution
- Cleaners
- Paints
- Varnishes
- Gases
We offer indoor air quality testing to ensure that the air has returned to usual and is safe for you, your family, and visitors.
About Mercer County
GreenWorks has certified Green Professionals that service all sorts of businesses and homes in Mercer County. We take pride in helping to clean up the air in Mercer County, and we promise to work with you to rid your residence of mold as we improve your air quality.
Mercer County, New Jersey has a rich history and is the home of the state's capital, Trenton. Attractions like the New Jersey State Museum and the Princeton University Art Museum draw thousands of tourists yearly.
New Jersey has an annual precipitation of 46 inches statewide and sees anywhere from one to ten significant storms every year. The rainfall is why our beautiful Mercer County is well-known for its hot and wet summers. It's also why homes and businesses in the region are at high risk for mold.
Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment
Frequently Asked Questions
While the State of New Jersey does not require any specific certifications, anyone you work with should have a NJHICL & proper general liability insurance. There are numerous mold certification firms that offer training; any contractor you work with should have mold training and participate in ongoing continuing education.
Many times, areas less than 10 square feet can be cleaned by an individual. If it’s more involved than that, it’s best to get a quote from a mold pro who follows EPA guidelines. Access challenged spaces work well with dry ice treatments where easily accessible basements respond well to traditional “rubbing and scrubbing”. Your particular space will dictate what is best.
Just give us a call and we can help with the numbers. Of course, its best to have a formal mold assessment / inspection done first delineating mold impacts. But if it appears to be a small issue, we can usually figure it out pretty quickly. There's no fee to prepare a quote if you own your home. For Home Buyers, we have a small fee that we credit back when you engage us.
It depends on a few facftors like: access, basement vs attic, finished areas vs. non-finished areas and organisms type (toxic vs. non-toxic. So looks at a range of from $5.00/SF to as much as $25.00/SF (or more).
Best ways to improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) are through improving ventilation, air filtration, using low VOC paints and materials and managing moisture levels.