Mold Removal and Remediation Services in Salem County, NJ
GreenWorks' dedicated PMII Certified Mold Removal Professionals, Inspectors, and Remediators are ready to service the entire Salem County.
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Why Choose GreenWorks for Mold Removal in Salem County?
On an economic level, Hurricane Sandy was devastating for New Jersey, with businesses reporting losses of up to $30 billion. The environmental impact of this coastal state was also severe. Despite nearly a decade since Sandy's first hit, many of the effects still impact New Jersey residents.
Flooding and property damage both contributed to mold infestations running rampant through homes and businesses alike. Though much of the visible damage has been rectified, underlying problems continue. At Greenworks, we treat Salem County homes for excess mold growth due to this traumatic event.
Got Mold in Your Home?
Services We Offer

Mold Testing
Firstly, we need to find out what strain of fungus is present via our mold inspection services. Some examples of our mold inspection process include:
- Presence Absence testing
- Visible Mold Tests
- Air Testing
We might also use other techniques, including petri dish testing, in certain instances. How we approach mold remediation depends entirely on your unique situation.
Mold Removal
Once we've completed our initial assessment, the mold removal services begin. This involves the use of an antimicrobial and an encapsulant. We then test for any remaining traces of mold, and if any are present, we repeat the process to ensure permanent removal.

Moisture Control
Excess moisture is one of the leading causes of mold contamination. We can provide ventilation, liquid transport, and French drain installations to minimize any future growths. All of these systems can control moisture on your property. From damp walls to squishy yards, we have the solution.
Air Quality Testing
Air-borne mold links to several respiratory diseases and can cause significant breathing difficulties—a lack of circulation results in stagnant air and the accumulation of mold spores.
An easy way to know if your home may have compromised air is through odor detection. Does the outside air smell noticeably different from the inside? Then you may need indoor air quality testing.

A Permanent Solution for a Persistent Problem
Mold is stubborn and arises from a combination of excess moisture and humidity. It can result in significant health difficulties if left untreated, not to mention how unseemly it can make your home appear. At Greenworks, we offer mold removal specialists to treat your home.
No one cure suits all solutions with mold remediation. A multi-faceted approach is required. We provide thorough testing, effective removal, and trace detection following treatment to ensure the mold is eradicated. As a family-run business based in New Jersey, we are an experienced team that is fully committed to the well-being of NJ residents.
About Salem County
Salem County may not be the most humid location in the US, but what makes it unique is the consistency of its humidity all year round. The county is a prime location for mold breakouts.
Mold growth is incredibly common, but it's a health hazard that you want to get rid of immediately. The New Jersey Department of Health plainly states the detrimental health effects of mold on a person's health, so treatment is imperative.
At Greenworks, we offer a full range of services to identify the mold in your Salem County, NJ home and remove it permanently.
Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment
Contact us today for more information on our services. We can help to improve the well being of your home permanently, and in turn, your family.
Frequently Asked Questions
Best way to remove odors is to remove the source. But odors are often absorbed by surrounding building materials and can be difficult to address. To address those areas can use a deodorizing treatment such as a biocide, hydroylation, ozone, etc. It just depends on the type of odor and how long it ahs been around.
Remodeled homes often wind up concealing a lot of the clues we look for when we assess for mold making the issues often difficult to find. Take for instance an older 1940's home recently renovated where the attic was converted to a master bedroom (now we can't see the underside of the roof) and the rear porch was enclosed (has an inaccessible crawl space and enclosed cathedral ceiling with failing ridge vent). More time and some invasive investigating / sampling is often necessary.
Mold is a product of hydrology, humidity and moisture. Was the source of water that caused the mold addressed as part of your remediation? We know that mold and water go hand in hand. If your environment’s hydrology are not properly managed, the mold will return. We have Certified Hydrologists on staff to ensure that the source of water is appropriately addressed to ensure any future mold growth is mitigated.
Mold growth of this nature is often tied to elevated humidity and poor ventilation in your closet. If you exercise frequently putting your sneakers away damp could be the culprit.
Mold inspection is often not necessary. If family members are healthy and there are no visible signs of mold growth then a mold inspection isn't really necessary. But most folks often cant distinguish between mold based health issues and often can't visually spot mold growth. In those cases its a good idea to have a mold inspection just to be safe.