Mold Removal and Remediation Services in Toms River, NJ
GreenWorks' dedicated PMII Certified Mold Removal Professionals, Inspectors, and Remediators are ready to service the residents and businesses in Toms River.
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GreenWorks Works for You!
Deceptive Real Estate Transaction- Client moved into home and the family immediately begins having ill heal effects. Disclosure from seller lists no previous water damage, and/ or known mold issues in the home where evidence shows there was a recent pipe burst and attempts to conceal mold growth. Finances have been exhausted on trying to rectify the situation where multiple trips to doctors and emergency room have revealed no solution to health problems. GreenWorks was contacted through a common friend where we performed a site assessment and in-depth testing pro bono. We will be working diligently to rectify the environmental issues in the home while advising our client on the beat courses of action moving forward.
Near Barcelona Dr, Toms River, NJ 08753
Got Mold in Your Home?
We moved in back in November, and I have always been nervous that there is something in our air or water or general environment that is making my boys sick. They are frequently congested, coughs more than normal, just generally irritated. I want to make sure its the healthiest living environment possible.
Near Satinwood Ln, Toms River, NJ 08755

Concerned about crawl space moisture issues and overall indoor air quality in the home as a result of Super Storm Sandy Impacts and followup restoration and cleansing.
Near Cheryl Dr, Toms River, NJ 08753
- Building Biologists
- Moisture Source Experts
- Certified Mold Investigators
- Mold Survivor Staffed Team
- Residential / Commercial / Industrial
- Hidden Mold Experts
- Certified Mold Remediation
- Clearance Testing & Reporting
- Licensed and Insured
- Sick Building Syndrome Specialists
- Serving all of New Jersey (NJ)
- Expert Contamination Assessment
Home Inspector for Buyer has called out extensive water ponding in the crawl with Spotty mold growth. Buyer wants corrected before closing (within 2wks).
Near Harrington Dr N, Toms River, NJ08757

Recent driving rain from the south impacted storm windows in rarely used playroom that was slightly ajar. Water penetrated surrounding wall board getting behind wall paper where visible mold growth is present.
Installation of ventilation, Indoor Air Quality Assessment

Recurring mold problem with mold in the ducts and registers. Could not understand why it keeps returning. GreenWorks identified a hidden mold issue tied to a failing HVAC system which was pumping mold throughout the home.
- Fast Turn-Around
- Air Scrubbing and De-humidification
- Expert Court Testimony
- EPA Lead-Safe Certified Firm
- Enviro-Friendly Mold Remediation
- Asbestos Building Inspector
- Dry Ice Mold Remediation
- Lead-Based Paint Inspectors
- Chemical & Non-Chemical Remediation
- Finance Available
- Contents Cleansing & Restoration
- Affordable & Economical Solutions
Lots of water intrusion issues with new home where 4 sumps + drainage system are currently in place. Combination of Gutters / sheet flow / grading / and soils issues appear to be impacting home where historic water intrusion and mold remediation are of concern returning.

Frequently Asked Questions
Best ways to improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) are through improving ventilation, air filtration, using low VOC paints and materials and managing moisture levels.
Many times we can’t put our finger on exactly what is causing our ill health. But we come to realize that we actually “Feel Better” when we leave our homes for any length of time. This is often the case when hidden biological issues are degrading the homes overall air quality. An environmental air quality professional will be needed.
Most deffinitely. But a basic mold inspection really isn't adequate. When you consider the house has been preped for sale with fresh paint, repairs and a top-to-bottom cleansing, you will need an expert who knows how to find "hidden molds" that often go undetected by basic mold inpsections.
It depends on a few facftors like: access, basement vs attic, finished areas vs. non-finished areas and organisms type (toxic vs. non-toxic. So looks at a range of from $5.00/SF to as much as $25.00/SF (or more).
Many times, areas less than 10 square feet can be cleaned by an individual. If it’s more involved than that, it’s best to get a quote from a mold pro who follows EPA guidelines. Access challenged spaces work well with dry ice treatments where easily accessible basements respond well to traditional “rubbing and scrubbing”. Your particular space will dictate what is best.
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