Qualified Microbial Investigation
Mold investigations vary from just a couple samples to full property assessments. But most of the time folks are just concerned about a particular area of the home where a simple visual inspection coupled with a few samples and a recommendation is all that is needed. Our Qualified Microbial Investigation (QMI) seems to fit the bill and is the best value for the dollar.

What do you get with a QMI?
You get a qualified Building Biologist who’s a certified Residential Mold Investigator, Certified Mold Remediator and licensed asbestos and lead based paint inspector. We not only know where the mold hides, but what it takes to clean it up.
What’s a Building Biologist?
The GreenWorks team is comprised of a broad array of environmental professionals experienced in a wide variety of environmental services. Our Building Biologists are uniquely qualified to assess and correct compromised environments. In fact, we live at the cutting edge of where the home environment collides with the natural environment.

What Makes Us Different?
Everything. We are mold survivors who not only know the science of fungi, but have had personal experience with how traumatic mold can be. We boil it down into the following 5-Steps:
1. Objective
Clearly define the Scope of Work or objective of the investigation, the time frame, and the specific questions that need answering.
2. Visual Clues
A detailed list of our visual observations is provided complete with photographs of what we are talking about.
3. Sampling
3 Appropriate samples are taken to best depict the environment where lab results are interpreted as to Normal Fungal Ecology standards.
4. Conclusion
A clear concise description of what is going on regarding the molds, lab results, and the water trigger(s).
5. Remedy
We clearly list what is needed to return the area back to normal fungal ecology and how to manage it so molds don’t return.
A separate budget document is also prepared detailing anticipated fees where followup information regarding mold specifics are also provided.
How Do I Know You will do a Good Job?
You really don’t. But if our on-line Google testimonials are any indication of how we operate, you will be excited to read how we have helped dozens of folks. Just read through our Google 5-Star reviews for yourself.
Turn-Around-Time (TAT) & Pricing (Typical)
Qualified Microbial Investigation (QMI)
$795 - $995
- Typically require 20 business days (not including weekends and Holidays)
- Includes 3 samples (Square Footage/Location Dependant)
- The clock starts typically One (1) business day after the property has been investigated.
Rush Service
Add $395
- Results in 5-10 days where additional samples if needed are billed separately.
Frequently Asked Questions
It’s always a good idea to be well informed going into your home’s sale. Having an inspection done yourself is a good way to pinpoint potential issues and be prepared for buyers concerns.
A Basic Mold Sampling package including 3 samples is $725. A thorough assessment including inspection and sampling (LMI) can cost on average $895 plus mobilization fees.
Black mold tends to grow in patchy / clumped areas. best way to remove it is dispose of the removable items or cut out that area of wall board. Smaller areas less than 5 SF and there are no health issues to worry about are often easily addressed this way.
Depending on the extent and location of infestation and the potential health risks, its often advisable to stay away while the work is being performed.
Mold is a product of hydrology, humidity and moisture. Was the source of water that caused the mold addressed as part of your remediation? We know that mold and water go hand in hand. If your environment’s hydrology are not properly managed, the mold will return. We have Certified Hydrologists on staff to ensure that the source of water is appropriately addressed to ensure any future mold growth is mitigated.
What People Are Saying About Us
Does Mold Have You Worried?
Take control of your environment and call GreenWorks (732) 223-2073!