Disinfecting surfaces is more important now than ever due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Your regular alcohol-based chemicals are not as effective as one may think. Besides its flammability, once the alcohol dries, the bacterial killing effectiveness is zero. How can you protect surfaces from collecting more microbial organisms? Using chemical or microbial coatings on disinfected surfaces will protect and extend the life of your disinfection treatment.
Biological Surface Coating
Z probiotics fight a biological problem with a biological solution by establishing and maintaining a stable and healthy microbial community of good bacteria on hard surfaces and fabrics. Z probiotic cleaners create a protective layer of good probiotic bacteria, like the ones found in your yogurt. This inhibits the growth of pathogens by the concept of competitive exclusion: the good bacteria eat up all the available food and resources, causing the bad microbes to starve and die. These probiotic bacteria do not create drug-resistant pathogens. The presence of probiotics makes treated surfaces hostile to pathogens who attempt to reestablish themselves on that surface. The surface transfer that unwanted pathogens follow (touching a door handle, phone, etc.) can also move the good, safe bacteria around thus extending disinfection protection.
Viruses, unlike bacteria, need a host to survive. Viruses can live much longer on surfaces when present in biofilms. Biofilms are a thin, slimy layer that bacteria secrete to adhere it to a surface. Not only does Z probiotic remove 95.2% of the biofilm from bacteria, but it also dissolves the fat membrane, or “glue”, that surrounds and holds a virus together, which causes the virus to fall apart and become inactive.
Does Disinfection Treatment Really Work?
How do you know if it works? By pre and post-testing for ATP presence. ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate provides energy and is present in all cells. Measuring ATP levels on a surface before and after applying a coating will confirm the success of the treatment. Studies have shown Z probiotic has better results (lower ATP) after application than bleach or Hydrogen Peroxide (higher ATP levels). ATP readings continue to decrease over a 24-hour period as the probiotics continue to make the surface inhabitable. As Z probiotic is a naturally occurring microbe and not a chemical, it does not have an EPA rating.
Chemical Surface Coating
One of the many chemical defenses is Goldshield. Goldshield is a water-based product with no alcohol or formaldehyde, is odorless, and is non-flammable. Negatively charged microbes are attracted to the positively charged chemicals in Goldshield. At the same time, the product denatures the organism’s proteins, inactivating it on contact. In other words, the microbe is pulled by electrostatic forces and is then pierced and killed by a “bed of molecular nails” laid by this product.
Independent studies have shown Goldshield’s protective invisible shield after one application with defending surfaces for up to 30 days[5]. Goldshield will effectively inhibit 99% of pathogenic colony growth.[6] Most commonly used in hospitals to lower the amount of HAI (hospital-acquired infections), it has also been used in the food industry, schools, gyms, and the textile industry and is effective on a variety of materials (wood, stone, steel, fabric, etc.). Goldshield is EPA approved and has a toxicity of 4, the same ratings as your general “Keep out of reach of children” products.
Application of Surface Coatings
There are many ways to apply either biological or chemical surface coatings, including misting, electrostatic spraying, or fogging. ULV (Ultra Low Volume) Cold Foggers appear to offer the best distribution with fewer potential impacts to the compound being sprayed. Thorough hand application is essential in ensuring all surfaces are covered to offer the best protection. Having the right tool helps to ensure less missed areas.
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