Everyone has questions. We have answers.
Have you ever picked up that phone and made the tough call to get help only to find out later that you didn’t know what you needed help with in the first place?
Let’s face it, we all have.
But when dealing with environmental matters, don’t become a victim of “DIY-itus.” Enviro issues are complex and the legislative, regulatory and municipal entanglements surrounding them even more so.
Consider mold, for instance. Did you know that many home owner insurance policies cover “water intrusion” which is a primary culprit in triggering mold growth? We do, and we write our reports to reflect that so your claim stands a better chance of being approved.
How about TCE? It’s the de-greasing agent in dry cleaning fluid (a real enviro nasty!). Groundwater contaminated by TCE does not break down naturally, and the surrounding neighborhood impacts can last for decades. Did you know that the contaminated groundwater “plume” moves over time and its residential “vapor intrusion” is the real hazard to homeowners. We do, and we detail the testing that’s potentially needed as part of a property transaction accordingly so that a proper assessment can be made and a deal can be done.
Got LUST? Leaking Underground Storage Tanks are a major headache to clean up. The tightly regulated tanks cost New Jersey homeowners millions every year. But, did you know that not all leaking underground storage tank are created equal? We do, and we quickly make that determination to aide in assessing potential impacts to a property which saves our clients time, expense and anxiety.
Want exceptional value?
Any firm that does not take the time to understand your overall project goal, in addition to what they were hired for, may not be giving you the service you thought you hired them for. GreenWorks understands that all decisions are strategic in nature, which is why we endeavor to give you only the service that you truly need. The success of your project, be it commercial or residential, is our #1 priority.
Got Moisture, Odor and Mold Issues?