Mold is a natural part of our environment as are bears, ticks, and poison ivy. So how many bears do you need to see in your home before you realize you have a problem? Ticks? Poison ivy? There are some microbial organisms that just don’t make good roommates. We can help you identify those “Bears” of the mold world and figure out what’s normal for your particular environment. Many reputable government agencies think the same thing.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The EPA states that molds are a part of the natural environment and can present a problem indoors when they start growing and can be seen with the naked eye. The best way to control mold growth is to control the moisture. When visible mold growth results, many folks begin to smell odors and/or experience a variety of health effects. Molds produce spores that can be allergenic and have the potential to become toxigenic in humans. When you start seeing the mold watch out as that’s just the “tip of the microbial iceberg.”
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
The CDC states that many people are sensitive to molds where exposure can cause a variety of health effects. The more sensitive to molds one is the more severe the reaction may be. Mold has been around for millions of years where there is always some mold. In fact, mold is a part of just about everyone’s lives.
World Health Organization (WHO)
The WHO recently issued its “Dampness And Mould” document that summarizes health issues associated with moisture and biological agents in buildings. It makes for a really good read. Oh, and if you want to google mold topics outside the United States, spell it like Mould. That’s the way the rest of the world spells it.
Institute of Medicine (IOM)
The IOM found in their 2004 IOM Report: Damp Indoor Spaces that there was sufficient evidence to link indoor exposure to mold with upper respiratory tract symptoms, cough, and wheeze in otherwise healthy people.
Can I Clean Mold Myself?
The EPA says if the size of the area is less than 10sf you might be able to do the cleanup yourself (Follow their guidelines here). But a professional should be engaged if:
- The area is more than 10sf
- Water damage was significant
- If mold is impacting the HVAC system and/or ducts
- If the water was contaminated (like sewage effluent)
- If you have health concerns.
- Or if you just don’t feel comfortable cleaning it yourself.
What Would M.O.M. Say?
MOM says to use your best judgment when it comes to mold and your household hygiene, but don’t force yourself. If you think you might need some help figuring this out, MOM says to call a firm like GreenWorks. They are Building Biologists and know what’s best for you, your home, and can be a real asset in dealing with your microbial challenge.