10 Questions to Ask Before, During, and After a Home Mold Inspection

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Builder and inspector looking at new property

It doesn’t matter what kind of help you’re hiring – you should always do your research. When it comes to home mold inspections, especially, you need to understand who you’re working with and if their education, experience, and credentials are really up to snuff.

Today on the GreenWorks blog, we’re talking about the 10 most important questions to ask throughout the mold remediation process. With these in mind, you’ll avoid working with untrustworthy mold removal teams who only want to make money off of your home’s misfortune.

So, without further ado, here are the top 10 questions you need to ask when dealing with a mold inspection.

Is the Mold Remediation Technician Properly Certified?

Before you hire a mold technician, it’s a good idea to check their underlying education and experience and do they hold any mold/moisture-specific certifications and understand what they mean. Ideally, you’ll work with a technician that is WRT (water restoration) and AMRT (applied microbial remediation) certified by agencies like the IICRC (the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification). Other good certifications are from the Professional Mold Institute (PMII) or the totally independent American Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC)

Iicrc certification

What Kind of Testing Will Be Done?

This is an important question to ask if you want to know what kind of mold has been growing in your home. Although all molds are removed by similar technologies and processes, you might like to know a bit more about the particular mold that caused you so much trouble.

Testing equipment

Inquire about the types of mold testing, as well as any extra costs that could accompany the tests. Keep in mind that credible technicians should be using real testing labs, not store-bought mold test kits, and these can add a fee to your overall inspection costs.

What Will the Mold Inspection Cost?

Speaking of costs, ensure that you understand all the ins and outs of the bill you’ll face. Ask for an entire cost breakdown, from the mold inspection fees to labor prices. If possible, get this in writing so that you can avoid miscommunication and surprise fees later on.

Can You Explain Your Mold Removal Process?

Evan showing juicy mold

Although you might not really have an interest in mold removal and/or remediation, this is a good question to ask before anyone enters your home. The more upfront and honest the mold technician appears to be, the better off you’ll be in the long haul.

A mold remediation team worth hiring should be willing to walk you through each step of the remediation process. If they seem hesitant to do so, consider looking for a more transparent mold remover.

What Protective Gear Does the Team Wear During Mold Testing and Remediation?

Kam in ppe

This question is two-fold. Firstly, it helps you learn how serious the mold technician is about the safety of workers and clients. Secondly, it ensures that the proper measures are being taken to prevent mold cross-contamination within your home.

Depending on the amount of mold present and the seriousness of the infestation, the technicians could require a great deal of personal protective equipment (PPE). Most mold removal jobs will at least require the use of:

  • Half-face HEPA-filtered respirators
  • Shoe covers
  • Disposable clothing covers
  • Goggles
  • Gloves

Is the Homeowner Responsible for Any Material Disposal?

Environment cleansing house

Proper disposal is an enormous part of safe mold remediation. When handled poorly, the mold disposal process can lead to cross-contamination throughout the rest of the building.

Ask upfront about how materials will be removed from the affected area. Are you responsible for clearing out furniture that could be contaminated? If so, how do they suggest you do so safely? Will the mold company provide the bags, HEPA vacuum, and sanitizers needed to prevent contamination?

Are You Familiar With My Homeowner’s Insurance?

This is a big one. You don’t want to get stuck in a contract with a mold remediation company that doesn’t work with or accept your home insurance. Talk to both your insurance company and the mold company to ensure you cover both bases.

Will You Contact Other Mold Testing/HVAC Experts If Necessary?

A truly competent mold specialist knows when they can handle a problem – and when something is out of their league. If the mold problem relates to HVAC issues or other concerns within the house, they should be willing to contact licensed professionals outside of the mold field.

How Do You Contain Contaminated Areas in the Home?

Victor air test suited

Unless the situation is really serious, the mold probably hasn’t spread throughout the home quite yet. To prevent that from happening, ask the mold company about their quarantine strategies. How will they block off the rest of the house to ensure the mold stays in one place while they work?

Mold spores spread notoriously quickly. Plastic sheeting, negative pressure, and protective gear are essential if you want to prevent cross-contamination in the home.

How Do I Know That the Mold Won’t Return?

Mcc mom

We’ve saved this question for last, but it’s arguably the most important if you really want to protect your house. This is the question that often reveals the difference between an unethical mold company and a great one.

A trustworthy mold company won’t just treat the mold they see – they’ll get to the root of the growth and eliminate it, thereby preventing future problems in your home. They may even offer some kind of warranty or guarantee stating that they have removed the mold, and if it comes back, they’ll deal with it.

If you find yourself talking to a company that doesn’t offer a guarantee/warranty, be a little skeptical. How can you trust them to ensure the mold is really and truly gone? Far too many companies want to get in, take your money, and get out, without worrying about future contamination and growth in the home.

In Conclusion

At GreenWorks, we believe that being healthy starts at home. We’ve been serving New Jersey residents for years as trusted environmental advisors and certified green professionals. All of our mold specialists are highly trained to safely spot, remove, and prevent mold infestations.

We won’t stop at just removing the mold. Our team wants to ensure it’s gone for good, and you can trust that we won’t give up until your home is safe once more.

Are you dealing with signs of mold or a full-blown infestation in your own home? Give us a call at 732-223-2073 or schedule an inspection online. We’re here to give you back your home and keep your family safe from dangerous mold contamination.

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Avatar for Victor Coppola

Victor Coppola

Victor Coppola is a Building Biologist with decades of diverse environmental experience spanning natural resource management and contaminated sites to Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and building hygiene matters. He focuses on the three most prevalent issues degrading today's built environment: Moisture Odor & Mold (M.O.M.). Mr. Coppola and his Team are sought out by individuals and professionals concerned about IAQ to those actually suffering from Biotoxin Illness. His hybrid blend of environmental interests and services enable him to give a unique perspective into today's changing environment. Think your home is killing you, better call Victor and his Team at GreenWorks.
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